Limbaugh’s social media nightmare: Facebook and Twitter as a space for political action

Full article citation: Warner, B.R., Turner McGowen, S., and Hawthorne, J. (2012) “Limbaugh’s social media nightmare: Facebook and Twitter as a space for political action.” The Journal of Radio and Audio Media, 19(2), 257-275. doi:10.1080/19376529.2012.722479.

Abstract: When Rush Limbaugh made his now famous remarks about Sandra Fluke’s Congressional testimony he set off a social media firestorm. The ensuing backlash cost Limbaugh many prominent advertisers and damaged his public image. In this study, we examine the characteristics that motivated some to engage in the social media conversation while others remained on the sidelines. We find that political information efficacy, or confidence that one has the knowledge and skills necessary to participate, dictate political engagement online. We discuss the implications of this finding for radio, communication and media scholars, and healthy democratic deliberation among young Americans.

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